Old Ale: 6.0 – It’s a dark and decadent beer, but its a little flat carbonation wise. Overall I am not a fan, but I see how a seasonal change would make this better and more desirable beer.
Price Average: $14
Website: http://alesmith.com/
Old Ale: 6.0 – It’s a dark and decadent beer, but its a little flat carbonation wise. Overall I am not a fan, but I see how a seasonal change would make this better and more desirable beer.
Price Average: $14
Website: http://alesmith.com/
Trooper 666: 6.0 – This is most certainly a british-style beer, and it is uniquely tasty. However while this might be British-style, and the odd metal/Iron Maiden is cool, but I would never serve this warm.
Google Shop Average: Name $6
Website: http://www.ironmaidenbeer.com/