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Tequila Reserva de la Familia Extra Anejo Tequila 750mL

Merry Christmas week everyone, before we begin the review of this really good tequila – a quick PSA. This comes in a wooden box, said back of wooden box is only really tacked shut – as such be wary of the back falling out and with it your bottle. We speak from first hand experience watching a ~$200 bottle tumble to the floor (luckily to carpet; unbroken), and if you are reading this before buying and bringing home – just make sure it’s on a secure surface because you really don’t want to risk a drop of what’s inside.

What is inside can only be summed up by the words – expensive AF Jose Cuervo. Now Cuervo isn’t known for being great, and having reviewed 4 different types with only the Tradicional scoring above a 4 overall – it’s well warranted. However as we recall – Captain Morgan isn’t great either, but Private Stock – well that’s a different tune. This however can’t escape the ding of dollar signs as it rings up on the register – but then this was a gift so it will sting more for you than us.


What they Say: “Box Back: Celebrating more than 200 year of tradition, Reserva de la Familia is the finest aged tequila made by the Jose Cuervo family. Reserva de la Familia is artfully blended from special family reserves that have been aged in oak barrels in their private cellar for years offering a rich, complex and ultra-smooth flavor. This extra anejo tequila’s taste is unique and exquisite; each bottle is presented in a uniquely crafted limited edition masterpiece.

Bottle Back: Time, dedication and tradition define the spirit of this tequila. Through each stage of the distillation process, our handcrafted methods honor the history and passion of the Jose Cuervo family. Our finest blue agaves are harvested by hand at peak ripeness and American and French white oak barrels. Finally, blending with vintage reserves creates this unparalleled tequila. Our time-honored process reveals agave’s exquistie notes, with subtle hints of cinnamon, vanilla, toasted almond and cacao. Reserva de la Familia is a unique tequila made to share and enjoy on special occasions.

Bottle Front: Reserva de la Familia embodies a family tradition that began in 1795 and has been handed down through the generations. Each bottle is numbered, dated and wax-sealed following the same handcrafted techniques employed by our first master distiller when be began producing this tequila.

There’s also these pamphlets.


Taste: 6.0 – It’s got a sugary agave flavor, but it’s far from being worth is compared to other extra anjeos. The warm spice does come in as well, moreso than the woodiness. Overall it makes it nice to drink, but should have been more.

Aftertaste: 8.0 – The smoky agave flavors rise like a small crackling fire. The warm spices and such make it a delight to drink, and is really quite nice. There’s a bit of vanilla as well that’s noticeable which is odd because usually things say that and it means nothing.

Burn/Smooth: 6.0 – It’s not crystal clear smooth like you might expect. It is nicely warming, but there is a twinge here that isn’t the smoothest. For a tequila it’s not so bad, but for an extra anejo not so much.

Aroma: 6.5 – It’s the standard fare of very mellowed agave, maybe some nutmeg or cinnamon or other warm spices. Digging deep into it you weirdly still can get a pure alcohol smell from it. That’s not to say it doesn’t smell nice, but it’s not a ~200 dollar smell ya know.

Honesty: 5.0 – On the one hand nothing can excuse the amount of text and nonsense going on here. On the other at least the text is okay, and isn’t really lying despite being wanky and going on forever, with the pamphlet being about the artist – something that we’re glad they credit to the degree they have. On the 3rd mutated hand we have said design and containment which is both great, but as the PSA at the top explains – could use some work.

Mixability: 7.5

W/ Rocks: 7.0 – It smoothes the transition from the taste and aftertaste and some of the burn. Overall it’s a really nice tequila on the rocks. It doesn’t radically change things, but it makes it more drinkable.

Margarita: 8.0 – It may seem sacrilige, but who cares. In short – yeah it’s a good Margarita the flavors really meld well here. Sure the cost in a bar would be like 30 dollars so it’s not god’s gift to mankind, but yes you can use it here and not be disappointed with the result – maybe the process.

Value: 3.0 – Obviously any sale or store difference is likely to lead to a wild shift here, but there’s no escaping the fact that this is expensive. So one has to ask – is it worth it? Sadly the answer is – not really. Oh sure maybe you should buy this once for you and a bunch of good friends to try, but that’s it. (Ours has been decanted and will be served among family for the annual christmas eve tradition of a bit of tequila). However if you are looking to drop this much cash – ask yourself what are you really trying to do with your money here.

Google Shop Average: $185



Reviewer Scores:

BuffaloJern: 7.5

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Metric Score: 42/70 |+| Metric Average: 6.0 |+| Reviewer Average: 7.5

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Final Thoughts: The reviewer score very much reflects the fact that none of my actual earth money was spent on it, and how that makes it just a lovely tasty sipping tequila to have on the rocks. I look forward to sharing this, and for those nights when after downing far too many tacos you can sit back, relax, and take a sip. However; this isn’t about a personal journey – it’s a review, and the review is that this is good, but you’ll likely never buy it for yourself – and comparatively you maybe never should. It’s the kind of tequila that if you had the money to shell out for this with little thought or consequence – you likely should be putting your money into something else.


I am the Buffalo editor and curator of Honest Booze Reviews

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