It had been a long time since we had a proper rye in the lounge, but summer old fashioned’s are the best kind. Sadly though this is just an overall piss poor Rye. I sort of expected it with the reduced price tag (although on average I got a ‘bargain’) This is not what I was hoping which was a Rye counter to my Old Grand-dad.
Shiner Ruby Redbird
Shiner Ruby Redbird: 5.0 – A really good wheat beer, but there’s a very large taste of ginger/grapefruit here that really kills this beer for me.
Google Shop Average: Shiner Ruby Redbird $8 for 6-Pack
Shiner Birthday Beer Chocolate Stout
Shiner Chocolate Stout: 4.5 – A little too much chocolate for my taste, those with a sweet tooth would likely enjoy this.
Google Shop Average: Shiner Chocolate Stout $8 for 6-Pack
Margaritaville Silver Tequila 750mL
I think this will be the last of the reasonably priced silver tequilas that we’ve been trying this year. As they keeping having faults that make it really hard to justify not spending a bit more. At least with what we’ve seen with Reposado there is a variance. Here we either get a terrible sweetness mixed with bland flavoring, or the flavor is off to the point of wondering what exactly they are doing to your spirit.
Rincon Rivermouth Stout
Rivermouth Stout: 5.5 – As for an oatmeal/coffee stout this is actually pretty good, sadly I am not a huge fan of stouts that lean too heavily on sharp tastes instead of deep flavors.
Google Shop Average: Rivermouth Stout $4 draft
Rincon Saison
Rincon Saison: 5.5 – Nice bit of flavor too it, and the more farmhouse style (as opposed to the supposed belgian style of their blonde) is a welcome addition to the taste here.
Google Shop Average: Rincon Saison $4 draft
Gosling’s Gold Bermuda Rum 750mL
It’s been a while singe I last looked to buy Gosling’s (my days of drinking 151 are long over). However I decided to see what their gold would taste like (although I feel they should have called it their red). Not to spoil but when I tried Gosling’s 151 I was taken aback with how sweet it was as well, and that trend seems to have continued.