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Sauza Gold Tequila 750mL

Well it’s the just about the 5th of May and without actually trying we are actually reviewing a tequila on the fabled day. (We normally do an Irish Whiskey because we get the Irish and Mexicans confused) However though we aren’t doing some good tequila, instead it’s some fairly standard budget tequila (my budget was strapped for tequila with that Anejo)


I’m not actually sure if this is a reposado – I feel like the gold title is more of a cop out. However I would certainly put this above Cuervo, and while it may not win many awards – for it’s price point that is the one that matters.


What they Say: “Sauza Gold is a smooth Tequila with the fresh agave taste you expect—plus an extra hint of cooked agave and vanilla.”


Taste: 4.0 – It’s nearly tasteless at the onset.

Aftertaste: 4.0 – You do get a nice reposado agave flavor though. But it’s over quick and leaves a sweet lingering taste.

Burn/Smooth: 4.0 – It’s pretty light but there is a twinge that doesn’t make it terribly drinkable.

Aroma: 5.5 – It certainly carries and is quite intoxicating in terms of aroma. However the real agave is something you really need to get a good whiff of.

Honesy: 6.0 – The bottle is mostly plain with some raised design, and the literature isn’t wanky either.

Mixability: 6.0

Tequila and Lime: 6.0 – Okay I suppose.

Tequila Sunrise: 6.0 – I enjoy that sunrise.

Value: 5.5 – For a budget tequila it’s actually not too bad, but then again it doesn’t really do well at any one thing.

Google Shop Average: $18



Reviewer Scores:

BuffaloJern: 4.5

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Metric Score: 35/70 |+| Metric Average: 5.0 |+| Reviewer Average: 4.5

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Final Thoughts: It’s average in many ways, but it could be worse like some tequilas where a single aspect just ruins everything.


I am the Buffalo editor and curator of Honest Booze Reviews

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