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Blue Moon Rounder Belgian Style Pale Ale

Blue Moon Rounder: 7.0 – Here we come to the really good outing from Blue Moon’s sampler – enough that it’s still in their fall collection (we got summer on sale recently). This is the perfect beer to see all your other distinct beers in the fridge, and go – okay, but I’ll take this first/last. It’s certainly not a great beer, but like a Boston Lager of Guinness – when the time is right it’s all you want.


Google Shop Average: Blue Moon Rounder $18 for a 12 Pack Sampler


Allagash Nancy

Allagash Nancy: 7.0 – Considering the other short batch I’ve been able to buy like this was FV-13, I was a little expectant. No while this is certainly one of my favorite cherry flavored beers – it’s sadly not as good as it’s older brother. Still though if you can find this, and you’re a fan of cherries – do pick it up.


Google Shop Average: Allagash Nancy $14 (If you can find it.)


White Birch Eorna Ceol Ale

White Birch Eorna Ceol Ale: 6.5 – Another White Birch Apprentice Series that’s just fantastic (seriously if there’s are interns they better have jobs). This is classified as a ‘Scottish Style Wee Heavy Ale’ I have no idea if I’ve had something else that falls under that category, if it’s even a real category and not just something a scottish person said to try and describe it, but I want more.


Google Shop Average: White Birch Eorna Ceol Ale $7
