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Evil Genius ‘Sliding into the DMs’ White Chocolate Mocha Latte Ale

Sliding into the DMs: 6.5 – Dammit. That’s actually pretty damn delicious. Much like a guilty pleasure White Chocolate Mocha Latte from the ‘Bucks this is something enjoyable, but holy fuck is it pretentious. This honestly might have the most cringey name for a beer we’ve ever seen, but we can’t deride it for being wasteful, because it is actually tasty – despite it being not very beer-y.

Price Average: $12 for 6-pack


Evil Genius ‘I Love Lamp’ Pineapple Hefeweizen

I Love Lamp: 5.0 – If you came here signed up for pineapple, you are at least in luck – it is there. However the initial taste of the beer with it’s muted spices feels more like an ale mixed with pineapple juice. It’s not great almost like a nothing beer despite this flavor, but it does give way to a classic pineapple aftertaste. The main problem is that those who like pineapple alot will be disappointed alongside those who like beer – should be fun for a BBQ sauce though.

Price Average: $11 for 6-pack


Allagash Little Sal Ale

Little Sal: 8.5 – It’s not often a mere trio of words can make one salivate, but Allagash, Sour, and Blueberry fit the bill. We don’t talk much about ‘color’ here on HBR because it’s often meaningless, but you pour this and look at the color and know it’s going to be a good time. As for the beer itself, it’s as expected – well executed, the sour is there, but the sweetness of the blueberries means it’s never not enjoyable. If we have a complaint it’s that the local store only sells 1 per customer and that soon enough this will likely be gone forever.

Price Average: $14


Ommegang Game of Thrones – Hand of the Queen Barleywine Ale

Hand of the Queen: 4.0 – The last of the 4 pack of GoT beers because we already reviewed one. Man that episode was killer huh? #topical #nospoilers #peaksellout. It appears we finally found it folks – a GoT beer that takes a risk, and sadly doesn’t pay it off well despite the Lannister it’s namesake refers too. This barleywine style is just a bit too bold in flavor and almost even feels barrel aged. We wouldn’t say this is bad, but it does require a certain type of person who likes this style (as in unlike others in this box it’s not a beer for everyone)

Price Average: $25 for 4-pack with glass



Green Flash Brewing ‘GFB’ Blonde Ale

GFB: 4.5 – My god. That is such a ‘blonde ale’ it’s almost painful how average it is. It’s fine, I mean there’s little to complain about, but it is about as forgettable as – wait what were we talking about again? Honestly this is the worst kind of beer for us, not because it’s bad – but because it’s so boring and average.

Price Average: $9 for 6-pack
