Okay let’s go back to vodka then considering how that rum went. Oh no, it’s another bottom basement shelf review vodka. Ladies and gents – if you are paying 8 bucks for a bottle of a base spirit – I’m sorry but in no way is that possibly a deal – the bottle and shipping is like 8 bucks even in bulk.
See at the intial onset the Russian name is enough to make you think – well okay it’s cheap and bottom shelf, but if it’s Russian it can’t be worse than Gordon’s or Mr. Boston. It is though, and that’s liekly because it was made in Kentucky by a large corporation – who should be shot. (Honestly we like the Suntory Whiskey, but when you buy companies that make this shit, you suck just a little bit more.)
What they Say: “Kamchatka is one of the largest selling vodkas in America. Its smooth, crisp taste makes it excellent year round for entertaining and mixability. ”
Taste: 3.0 – It’s nearly okay but even before the aftertaste turns it’s still pretty bad.
Aftertaste: 1.0 – Holy shit that’s bad.
Burn/Smooth: 2.0 – It’s not as much actual burn, but it’s part that, and part just not going down nicely at all.
Aroma: 3.0 – That smells pretty bad, but it could be worse so – yeah?
Honesty: 2.5 – One of the largest selling in America? Well yeah for hobos and drunks maybe. And one of? You’re not even the pro-choice amongst idiots? This gets some points for being Russian named, and is taken away by being made in Kentucky.
Mixability: 4.25
Vodka Tonic: 4.5 – It’s okay.
White Russian: 4.0 – That’s at least a half-decent russian.
Value: 2.0 – While I rate it above the Mr. Boston because it mixes slightly better. I got a nip of this and by virtue of paying I paid too much, and I’d rather take the 8 dollars I would spend, blend it, and drink that.
Google Shop Average: $8
Website: http://www.beamsuntory.com/brands/kamchatka
Reviewer Scores:
BuffaloJern: 3.0
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Metric Score: 17.75/70 |+| Metric Average: 2.54 |+| Reviewer Average: 3.0
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Final Thoughts: I bought a bunch of random nips in order to not have to buy full bottles of things, and it appears where nips are concerned ‘tiers’ are not as clear cut.
Put it in the freezer, where I allways keep my Vodka and 9/10 of it froze….almost zero alcohol and 95 percent water…
You bought diluted vodka. Look at the proof. It says 40 proof instead of 80. That’s why it froze
Umm, no, Kamchatka is 80 proof. States it right on the label.
It has that nasty “perfume” like smell- it’s awful.
I bought the 1.75 Bottle of Kamchatka at the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Class 6 Store for $9.80 I either drank it as a martini or with cranberry juice. I think the price is right considering a well vodka at applebees is $3.50 during happy hour. Any body agree with me.
It’s pretty shitty, but for the price, I agree.
I agree. As a matter of fact Just for kicks we did a blind taste test what’s Kamchatka and Tito’s. We both picked Kamchatka.
It taste like cheap tequila
I have a bottle of Kamchatka vodka with sparkling flakes in it. Is it still safe to use?
Code on the paper seal is 14335222
I am not a credible source on this. However it is a practice to put edible gold flakes into beverages. If however the flakes seem uneven, or other bottles in the store do not have the same flakes – you might want to fore-go drinking said beverage. While it’s unlikely the small dose of flake is harmless – I am not a doctor or a chemical analyst capable of telling you what it is.
Omg someone brought this to our St Patrick’s Day party and it almost killed some of us! Thank God my husband loves me and bought me some Titos! I don’t know who brought this but…shame on you! LOL HAPPY ST PATRICK’S DAY 2017 GOD BLESS
I drink Vodka straight, I hate the taste of K Vodka…But apparently, my friends think that this Vodka me good….I’ll have to take there word for it
I drink vodka with a chaser and its not bad, it will do the trick! Not much of a hangover the next day, of course i am used to drinking wild turkey 101, still a good go to when money is tight!
A couple days ago I bought a fifth of this due to the name and the price ($5.99) and I told the clerk that I was going to taste it and get the other bottle I saw if I liked it. I thought, this might be good when I felt the rather thick liquid touch my tongue, as thin vodkas tend to indicate too much distillation or just low quality water. I thought, not bad, and so I bought the other bottle too. Looking at the label I realized that it’s blended with liqueur which I guess accounts for the thicker water and the sweet aftertaste. Looking at some of the comments here this morning, I decided to open the other bottle, as I had just finished the last half ounce or so of the first bottle, in order to give it a whiff. It definitely doesn’t smell good, still I attribute this to the addition of the liqueur and the effect of the unbalancing of its properties from the breakdown due to the extra alcohol. Overall I consider this a quite adequate vodka for making a mixed drink. Tonic water or bitters might go well with Kamchatka as they might bring the sweet taste into a better balance. I dislike sweetness in beer (Budweiser) and wine (anything that is not sec, brut or just dry on the label) and liquor (Hennessy). I never really liked liqueur because it’s syrupy and often sweet, but I can tolerate Cointreau. This vodka is no Old Kiev to be sure. I wouldn’t drink it straight, but only with a mixer. It’s good that way.
Whatever you bought, it was not Kamchatka Vodka. It’s not at all thick, nor blended with liqueur, nor any significant sweet aftertaste.
Possibly you were posting your comment on the wrong review page?
There’s nothing special about this vodka but the low price, best used only for mixed drinks where something else dominates, but it’s not significantly different than many mid-shelf vodkas besides a lack of smoothness and a bitter aftertaste. It’s about what you’d expect if you order a mixed drink and they use the house vodka.
i think that for the price this is good vodka
i usually drink tito’s but sometimes the $14 charge
for a vodka and tonic is a bit much.
You guys owe me 4 bottles if the stupid glass bottle up from 750 ml. From it droping abd breaking. Go to plastic like the other bottles you make. It makes no sense that your passing more money to ship it being glass. Purple can drip then and they lose their money.
For the price, Kamchatka 80 proof is fine in a mixed drink. It gives a nice buzz. I like Titos and Grey Goose for martini’s and shots.
Kamchatka was not too bad when it was a 100% grain alcohol, but when they switched it to a liqueur a few years ago, I couldn’t touch it.
my pleasure to shock a lot of you…about my favorite vodka.
every body is different. everyone tastes things a different way.
i have been drinking since 16 (i’m 60 now. tequila is my favorite spirit, merlot my fave wine). i’m into flavors and am a good baker and cook. so, my nose and taste buds work fine.
kamchatka is my favorite vodka – it actually has a flavor, which i can’t say for most vodkas i’ve had like ciroc, ketel one, tito’s, smirnoff, grey goose, popov, absolut, others i don’t remember.
tastes like flowery caramel to me…smooth start and finish…no bite…nice texture/not oily or watery…plays nicely with grapefruit, apple juice, orange juice.
doesn’t take my energy level down like some vodkas i’ve had. of course, you won’t know until you have drunk a vodka that does that to you.
okay…i’m going to have a drink.
I am with you 100%!! I would mix it with Diet Dr. Pepper, always a happy buzz and I would get shit done. I bought up all the cases in my area when I found they were no longer selling it. Those are all gone now and haven’t found another to replace it. Very upsetting
I know this is old but you hit it right on the head best tasting vodka there is. Better than all the top shelf nonsense I can drink this straight and dry all day. The crazy thing is I used to think it tasted a little like Seagram’s vodka. Hands down the best tasting vodka for the price that there is. Better than your goose, belvedere, stolies, Tito’s. It’s up to you go ahead spend three times the money for other vodka I dare you try it out once you’ll never go the other stuff. With this vodka I literally been able to not mix it with anything and would rather not and no I don’t work for the company
Kamchatka is not my fave. I like vodka Russian style.. straight. This stuff has a paint-stripper aftertaste that just makes it nasty. I’d rather chug straight gin that this.
Who cares? Vodka is vodka. It all tastes nasty. This crap is just as good/bad as any that I can think of. Mix it with Big Red or Lemon-Lime Kool-Aid or Root Beer and you won’t even taste it. Orange juice? A Screwdriver woo hoo. Add pineapple juice. Rot your liver and kill yourself, slowly.
The and label says vodka with liqueur. What liqueur is it
1. Why do so many consider Tito’s to be an upgrade?
2. Brands like Vox and Grey Goose have had most of the essential vodka character distilled out of them. So smooth, you can sneak it past the lips of a date without their being aware.
3. Back to Kamchatka… If I’m looking for a mid-shelf price on a substance that actually tastes like vodka with a moderated burn and great mixability, it will be Luksusowa, a Polish potato vodka. I don’t need to waste my taste buds on a brand that compares favorably only to Potters, Monarch, et al.