Nothing causes our site to shudder more than a gin from someplace that has over 200+ years of history. As is most often the case, said gin feels like it was made in the same way, and while there are those who find that preferable – we find it usually translates to a gin that is better served in a molotov cocktail over a regular one.
Tag: England
British Navy Pusser’s Rum 750mL
This rum sucks ass. We want to be as clear and upfront about this as possible. We want the damn Google search results to include this first bit of text about how much ass this rum sucks. Do not buy this unless you want a headache, or because you’re a Royal Navy sailor and England is forcing this upon you and calling it a ration.
Thomas Hardy’s Ale (2017 Vintage)
Thomas Hardy’s Ale: 1.0 – That is like if a british bitter and a porter fucked on a couch made of stale beer and cigarettes. It is horrible. It’s thick and unpleasant, and basically has all that toffee/caramel business in the worst way. It’s like what would hapopen if you burnt the sugar somehow in a bourbon barrel aged beer.
Price Average: $8
Coniston Brewing Co. Old Man Ale
Old Man Ale: 5.0 – It is really in line with the name the brewing company gave it. Although they might as well have called it ‘Do Nothing Ale’ as it really doesn’t do much of anything. The flavour and beer are there, albeit briefly, and there are no horror stories. If it wasn’t so generic a beer we’d nearly be offended.
Price Average: $4
Broker’s Premium London Dry Gin 750mL
If we had a bank of mottos here at HBR one of them would be ‘what goes in the bottle is the most important part.’ This is because we were raised on the values of ‘it’s what’s inside that counts’. However it’s hard to knock a gin when the Gentlemanly look is taken to the extreme of giving a bottle a hat.
Boodles British Gin 750mL
Alright continuing our last week of gin coverage with Uncle Val’s we have another offering that looks good in the bar, but is bad in the glass. Boodles looks spot-on for what you’d expect from a British gin, but it also tastes like the British gins you’ve heard the horror stories about.
Southwark Centennial Single Hop American Pale Ale
Southwark Centennial: 3.5– It’s sweet, and served a bit too warm. Its a vary cloudy beer when poured but overall its just not good. Just a poor quality American Pale Ale that is sadly perpetuating the myth that imports and bad british attempts that have led to multiple people deriding APA’s to me while abroad.
Price Average: $8
Shepherd Neame Bishops Finger Kentish Strong Ale
Bishops Finger: 5.0 – It’s nice, and there’s a good sweetness at the end. Not sure why its called a strong ale as its not heavy on gravity or flavor, and at 5 percent its fairly standard alcohol wise. Which is a true overall description of this beer.
Price $3
Count: 38/71
Badger Tanglefoot Ale
Badger Tangle Foot: 6.5 – So the issue here with these kind of reviews is that while this has some characteristics of lesser beers there is the right mixture of aftertaste lingering yet the majority of the beer ending clean. Its not delicious, but it is tasty and certainly can be enjoyed, and dare say is one of the beat of the poster so far
Price $18 for 8-pack
Count: 37/71