Who else but the Germans have a clue what they’re doing when it comes to beer? The Czech’s, because despite being Czech I refuse to spell it out fully. We all really liked this beer, and though the German was better in our minds this is a great beer to have.
Here’s what Bakalar has to say, though I doubt it’s much help to you.
“Front: Unus Papa Romoe Unus Portus Ancoane. Una Turris Cremonae Una Ceres Raconae.
Back: Slozeni: pitna voda, jecny slad, upraveny, zatecky chmel, chmelovy extrakt. Obsah alkoholu: 4.5% v obj. Pasterovano. Skladujte v chladu a temnu. Dark Beer “BAKALAR” AMBER since 1454 Ingredients: drinking water from own well. Moravian malt, Bavarian malt, caramel malt, colored malt, Zhatezi hops, hops extract. Keep in cool place. Scalded (UHT)”
Taste: 6.71 – Pretty good taste, some feel it goes down watery, but there’s dissonance here.
Aftertaste: 7.43 – Improves upon the taste a bit.
Aroma: 8.08 – Smells really good.
Manliness: 6.79 – It’s nearly unreadable text. Scholorly beer man! But mostly not that impressive overall.
Value: 7.14
Google Shop Average: $2 for a 17 oz
Reviewer Scores:
William Henri Neve the IV: 7
Justice: 7.5
BuffaloJern: 7
DJ_Lvl: 6.5
Swetta Vest: 7.5
Huanlai: 7.5
The Bear: 7.5
Metric Score: 36.15/50 |+| Metric Average: 7.23 |+| Reviewer Average: 7.21
Final Thoughts:
That guy is too focused on beer his studies will never get done. Good intro to dark beer.