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Bacardi Black Carta Negra Superior Rum 750mL

Bacardi has graced our shores a few times, and whether it comes Gold, White, Spiced, of screaming in hellfire they’ve always had a slight around average rum. So we were expecting more of the same for the black. Of course, we knew it would be no Kraken, but what actually poured into the glass was truly surprising. It was utter shit.

Bacardi black is some candied disgusting vile beverage. It’s not even something feels powerful or worthy of an ‘old’ rum like it was made from a 1500’s pirate recipe. It’s horrendous and often, and it can fuck off.


What they Say: Editor’s Note: The text is all over the place so we’ll just post it equally out of place

“Bacardi company born in Cuba in 1862. Bacardi Black is blended using rums aged between one and three years in heavily charred oak barrels, then shaped through a secret blend of charcoals, to craft a dark rum that has a bold and intense taste. For bold drinks. Bacardi Black is a dark and intense rum that captures the bold flavors of oak, orange peel, and sweet molasses. Enjoy with ginger beer or ginger ale and fresh lime over lots of ice. Add a few drops of bitters for a delicious tormenta negra. Alternatively, try with your favorite cola. Receta familiar original. Expertly crafted by Maestros De Ron Bacardi. A freedom fighter for Cuba against its colonialist rulers, Emilio Bacardi was arrested, exiled and twice imprisoned. On his return, he became the first freely-elected mayor of Santiago de Cuba.”


Taste: 4.0 – It begins in a weird way of being sweet. Not that it is overall sugary or enjoyable, but that there is a sweetness there before it becomes faded.

Aftertaste: 0.5 – That aftertaste simply gets worse the longer it is allowed to continue. For a dark rum, this is where you want depth of flavor and character, and all you get is YUCK.

Burn/Smooth: 2.0 – That just burns and keeps on burning until you cut it with something (anything).

Aroma: 1.5 – It’s odd, but it smells less like a nice spiced rum, and more like flavored nail polish. Sure there’s a bit of sweetness like you’d expect, but overall it really smells like that pure alcohol smell mixed with some other stuff. It’s horrendous.

Honesty: 5.0 – Aside from the actual text on the bottle being a mish-mash of locations to the point where it’s ignored this is fairly okay. The logo and branding are there, but what’s really lacking is that ‘black rum’ taste as everything is different but not really mellow or more deeply flavorful.

Mixability: 2.0

W/ Rocks: 1.0 – So it makes FAR too much of the aftertaste present here, and it even burns. This is atrocious.

Rum and Coke: 4.0 – It does impose a sort of caramel-like flavor on the drink. It otherwise does little, and drinking this you know that something is wrong. As a rum and coke overall though the score is subpar because of the taste while distinctive is not ideal.

With Ginger Ale: 1.0 – We did this because it was said in the text, and we regret it. It essentially an easy way to ruin some ginger ale.

Value: 0.0 – Given the option, we’d be hard-pressed to drink this if you paid the US thirteen American dollars. For us to spend our money on it would be lunacy, and the fact that we’ve already got a bottle is truly woeful. Even if it is cheap, there is no value here.

Google Shop Average: $13



Reviewer Scores:

BuffaloJern: 1.0

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Metric Score: 15/70 |+| Metric Average: 2.15 |+| Reviewer Average: 1.0

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Final Thoughts: There’s no real final thought here to defend anything – this rum is crap. Fact.


I am the Buffalo editor and curator of Honest Booze Reviews

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