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Finlandia Vodka 750mL

If this is what Finland has to offer, than I think they should stick to memes of being invulnerable to cold. While there might be other Finnish vodkas that are good, this is down right terrible in nearly every way. It may actually be in the bottom 3 of our scoring system.


If I have a saving grace here it’s that I’m glad I had the foresight to get a nip of this rather than a whole bottle. Because as I explain while it can make a decent enough Russian, at that price and for what else it would be used for – this is not a good day for Finland.


What they Say: “Finlandia Vodka is made from Pure Glacial Spring Water and the finest Six-Row Barley, grown under the long days and white nights of the Finnish summer. ”


Taste: 2.0 – That tastes horrible too.

Aftertaste: 1.0 – Then it gets worse.

Burn/Smooth: 3.0 – It also burns.

Aroma: 2.0 – That smells awful.

Honesty: 4.0 – While there is no wank you’ll notice I have no extensive thoughts on this, that’s because it’s just so unpleasant I don’t even wish to find something good. Fuck Finland imports.

Mixability: 4.75

Vodka Tonic: 3.5 – There’s just something off about it.

White Russian: 6.0 – It’s not terrible here.

Value: 2.0 – This could cost 5 dollars and I would say the value wasn’t great.

Google Shop Average: $17



Reviewer Scores:

BuffaloJern: 1.5

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Metric Score: 18.75/70 |+| Metric Average: 2.68 |+| Reviewer Average: 1.5

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Final Thoughts: Don’t buy this, and tell people you know that if they plan to buy this you will punch them in the genitals – then follow through with your threats.


I am the Buffalo editor and curator of Honest Booze Reviews

10 thoughts to “Finlandia Vodka 750mL”

  1. You obviously don’t know anything about vodka. Finlandia is definitely a premium vodka with a great price. No headaches or hangovers the next day.

  2. Finlandia is a fine vodka just opens the bottle and smell it u fell refreshed and taste was awaome .

    The man who reviewed above has no knowledge about vodka

  3. I have to say that I’m not in agreement at all with this review of Finlandia vodka even a little. I suppose my review would actually be the polar opposite of the one found here, this is damn good vodka! I realize that we all have different tastes but if you’re into vodka at all, I’m not sure how you can dis Finlandia this way, I give it 4.75 stars out of five. There are a couple that come readily to mind that might be a little better and they are Vesica and Russian Standard. Vesica is a very smooth potato vodka and If you judge solely by price you might dismiss it based on that. But if you haven’t tried these two I suggest you do.

  4. Sorry but I disagree completely, this vodka smells great and tastes amazing. Super smooth and refreshing which isn’t something I say about alcohol. This is hands down the best Vodka and is actually one to go back to time and time again.

  5. I never use a mixer. I would put Finlandia up there with Kettle One. Absolute was my goto, Sevdka is ok but needs a pinch of sugar, as does most of the low budget vodkas. Grey Goose and Belvedere are total ripoffs, right there with Takka

    1. Totally agree with Mike and the others praising Finlandia vodka. It is on par with Kettle One. In fact, I’m drinking a Finlandia martini as I type this review. It is so clear and subtle that the hint of Noilly Prat extra dry vermouth really comes joyously through the vodka to my palate.

      Highly, highly recommended!

  6. Have been drinking Finlandia for over 40 years. Smooth, clean, consistent and fairly priced. I drink on the rocks and enjoy it always. Easy to get in stores but rare in bars or restaurants. Better than most higher priced vodkas.

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