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Ultimat Vodka 750mL

Alright new year, and it’s sure to be a whole heap better than before [this claim is disputed]. We’ll start with a vodka that claims to be the ‘ultimate’, and it’s already gone to nail polish remover in a bucket. We have a decent backlog going and literally picked at random what the first of the year would be, and of course it’s an overselling, overpriced, piece of shit vodka – because while we paused reviews for a while – nothing every actually changes.

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Western Son Texas Vodka 750mL

This review was for the most part on track to be just another okay budget vodka that maybe has a few bright spots with some bad. Then we got to the part where we need to assess the text on the bottle, type it out and give an overall score of honesty based on design, literature, and lies. What followed was – and we mean this completely – the worst bottle text in existence – so without further ado! FUCK. THIS. VODKA.

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Smuggler’s Notch Distillery Vodka 750mL

We’ve had a string of bad reviews lately, and it feels like we buried the lead sometimes. Hard pass on this vodka y’all. Anyway with that out of the way the review must go on – this is a small batch Vermont vodka, and while we’d love to sing the praises of people in the Northeast of the USA doing good honest work – they bloviate and fail to produce something of true quality and instead make something okay that costs too damn much.

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Soplica Vodka 750mL

We do want to assure people that next week’s review will actually – be something good, and while we do have 2 really bad ones in a row – that’s sort of what happens when you roll the dice on these things. If only there was a – wait no – too meta. Anyway, we get a vodka from Poland that says almost nothing, but what’s inside screams volumes.

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Steel Dust Handcrafted Vodka 750mL

We are suckers for a good creamy flavored vodka. (and to all of you who thought about that whipped cream vodka please seek help). No we mean a vodka that doesn’t feel clean or wheat-y, but creamy making it a prime candidate for one of our favorite drinks – a white Russian. This, however, is a double-edged sword because by virtue of not being ‘pure’ and ‘clean’ it’s possible this fails elsewhere.

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