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Alberta Rye Dark Batch Whisky 750mL

Hey folks for the next few weeks we’ll be doing a whole bunch of whiskies back to back. We’ll change up the type to make it interesting though. As for this we arrive at another Canadian Rye, this one of a more darker variety. I’m not sure if this was aged or caramel color added to achieve it’s dark color and name, but the process (and sherry) has taken it’s toll on the whiskey itself.


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Polar Ice Vodka 750mL

So we’ve always discussed how proximity to Russia for vodka can often be a nice indicator of quality. This is why Ukrainian vodka can be better than Polish (most of the time). However there’s always one thing we ignore in this ruling – what if proximity to Russia can work the other way. While there’s no Alaska vodka in stores that I can find, I did find this vodka from Canada.


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